Foreign policy was his main interest, so he became a member or chairman of key subcommittees.
But a key Congressional subcommittee said the requirements, uncovered by NASA investigators early this year, were worrisome and would be investigated.
Senator Donald W. Riegle Jr., the Michigan Democrat who heads a key subcommittee on space, said, "The space station is a test of our commitment to a civilian space program."
Peter Hoekstra, a Republican representative from Michigan who chaired a key subcommittee, practiced "harassment pure and simple," Alexander writes.
One of the principal authors of the press law is Georgi K. Shakhnazarov, a top Gorbachev aide and chairman of a key parliamentary subcommittee.
Although most of the Cabinet discussed the proposals at a 90-minute session of a key subcommittee, formal clearance by the Cabinet has not been given.
The key subcommittee was expected to meet expeditiously.
A meeting of the key subcommittee to the agency's Scientific Advisory Board is scheduled for Jan. 14.
Mr. Markey, of Massachusetts, will be taking over a key subcommittee that handles Internet issues.
February 4, 2011 Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) has secured membership on two key subcommittees of the 112th Congress.