"Ecuador owns all the key terrain - the high ground," said a military analyst here who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Crook's initial charges secured key terrain but did little damage to the Indians.
Despite his injuries, he continued returning fire and assisted the commander with the control of the attack, which resulted in the successful seizing of key terrain.
The division landed in Pusan and continued to drive toward the southeast to seize key terrain, and also to cut off possible enemy escape routes.
While the first day of battle was controlled by the Confederates, key terrain that should have been taken by General Ewell was not.
Units that are no longer capable of going on the offensive, or are not holding key terrain, are stripped of their most effective units.
"For us, this is key terrain," the officer said.
Their capabilities include air assault and direct action raids seizing key terrain such as airfields, destroying strategic facilities, and capturing or killing enemies of the Nation.
These guys are sitting the fighting out, holding key terrain.
This force would advance inland, seize key terrain dominating the proposed beachhead, and thus protect the main landing from counter-attack.