The default control system relied upon mouse movement to control tilt and roll, whilst the keyboard controlled the yaw.
Remote control lets user use mouse and keyboard to control a remote machine.
The keyboard controls for Kdenlive provide a bit more fine-grained control, and that's a good thing.
The level-up/skills menu is almost entirely broken as well, registering clicks in the wrong locations and not allowing any keyboard controls at all.
Each keyboard is named for a particular division of the organ (a group of ranks) and generally controls only the stops from that division.
For games, the keyboard typically controls movement of the character while the mouse is used to control the game camera or used for aiming.
The keyboard controlled the combination of the various filters and disks.
They may create some interesting ideas for soloing but in terms of composition the keyboard still controls everything.
The place the blocks fall down can be determined by using the keyboard controls to move the block left and right across the screen while it is falling.
Players wanted to be able to use one keyboard to control another.