When kids reach 3rd or 4th grade, they base much of their self-worth on friends.
The kids reach 60 to 80 pounds and are ready for slaughter after 3 to 6 months.
After the kids reach 12, I happily hand them off to parents who are more skilled.
When the kid reached over the wall, the kids' glove was very close to mine.
I always encourage kids to reach beyond their dreams.
But by the time those kids had reached the sixth grade, they were proficient readers.
But these kids haven't reached the level where it's worth emphasizing the kind of comparisons you're talking about.
When kids reach school age, they're more independent about what they eat and how active they are.
The kid reached up and grabbed Malenfant's arm, trying to pull it back.
The kid reached in his pocket and brought out a small tangle of firecrackers.