Local reports said the two were kidnapped by members of a Shiite clan to avenge the killing of a relative in January.
Later, Adriana was temporarily kidnapped by members of Tico's organization.
By his account, the speaker is kidnapped by fellow members of a secret society, because he is suspected to be a threat to their secrecy.
He was kidnapped in south Beirut by members of the Hezbollah, the Party of God.
He is then kidnapped by members of the Irgun who have mistaken him for one of their own.
He was kidnapped and killed by members of the 30 September Movement.
He was kidnapped seven days ago by members of the Shining Path.
Another is a young man who was kidnapped by paramilitary members on a killing spree and forced to dig graves alongside others.
At the port, Captain is kidnapped by members of his old crew after he sees the disguised Karaboudjan.
In the novel, the speaker is kidnapped by members of a secret society, because he and a publication are suspected to threaten the society's secrecy.