Colombia has the world's highest kidnapping rate, with an average of about four abductions a day.
Mexico City became the setting of the 2004 film because Mexico City had a high kidnapping rate, and due to other reasons.
According to statistics provided by the governor's office and contemporary analysts, his governorship would reduce bureaucracy, create places for school students, strengthen the infrastructure, and the kidnapping rate fell dramatically.
The busts brought the kidnapping rate to below national average.
Colombia has one of the world's highest kidnapping rates, and the demand for ransom has become big business.
Though kidnapping rates have declined, abductions for economic and political purposes are still distressingly frequent.
Kevin Goldstein of Baseball Prospectus has some thoughts on this, including this note: Venezuela has the highest kidnapping rate in the world.
Colombia has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world.
After all, Colombia is in the midst of a brutal civil war, has one of the world's highest kidnapping rates and has one of the highest murder rates.
Adopting the symbol of a shattered link of chain, the Free Country Foundation started work last April in response to a growing kidnapping rate that is now among the world's highest.