But by the time other inmates can convince Dottie to confess to killing Kenny, the execution has been carried out.
Since then, the practice of killing Kenny has been seldom used by the show's creators.
Since the show began its sixth season in 2002, the practice of killing Kenny in almost every episode has been seldom used by the show's creators.
I think they were planning to kill me like they killed Kenny.
Stan and Shannon kill Kenny by crushing him with a huge platform of lights over the football pitch.
The bullet flies off killing Kenny at home as he eats a cereal.
Ned states that he now understands the folly of guns and drops his rifle, which fires, killing Kenny.
The girls refuse and open fire (killing Kenny in the fusillade) and the boys attack.
If he carks hit at the end, will someone shout "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!"
"Oh, my God, they killed Kenny," the boys are always yelling, and they're not joking.