The episode aired on November 4, 2007, and was followed by the actual 100th episode, "Stewie Kills Lois".
Stewie tries to kill Lois and he would have succeeded if the rules of Death applied; he realizes he needs to get Death healthy.
Lex prepares to kill Lois and Jimmy but Jimmy threatens him instead.
As the staff tries to save him, the super-powered Luthor arrives and attempts to kill Lois.
Stewie then claims that he is not ready to kill Lois or take over the world....yet.
Richard Keller of TV Squad gave "Stewie Kills Lois" a much more negative review.
She sends Stewie a letter threatening to kill Lois if she gets out.
In "Stewie Kills Lois", once Peter is found guilty for first-degree murder, some people shout "Oh no!"
Sinclair appears to kill Lois, however Kal, seeing her innocence, wishes to protect her.
Stewie recovers first, and has Bertram at knifepoint, before he realizes that they have much in common, that they both want to kill Lois.