Perseus grows up to be a hero, killing Medusa and rescuing Andromeda.
The leader announces that he killed the rest of the Inhumans Royal Family in cryogenic suspension, taking special pleasure in killing Medusa, and took over.
Later, after Perseus killed Medusa and rescued Andromeda, the oracle's prophecy came true.
In some stories of Perseus, after killing Medusa, the hero used winged boots to transport her head to Mount Olympus.
His weapon was a sword of gold, which killed Argos; lent to Perseus to kill Medusa.
Her name means "Gorgon Slayer", a tribute to her father who killed Medusa, the mortal Gorgon.
In KQ3, Alexander kills Medusa (using her own appearance against her), and later slays the three-headed dragon.
Perseus killed Medusa, cut off its head, and gave it to Athene to use on the aegis.
But Perseus came to the place after he had killed Medusa.
Perseus also came to Atlas for help after killing Medusa.