Gunmen killed a farmer today who was acquitted of killing a separatist leader in 1984.
On their way back they killed a farmer watching his fields.
"So," said a voice alongside, "so maybe we should kill a farmer."
Apparently he had an expansive view of what constituted a warning, because one shot killed a farmer working in a nearby field.
While on the run he killed a farmer from Howard County, Missouri.
Your people attacked them today and killed a farmer.
In June 2007, the gang members killed a farmer, and snatched jewelry from his wife after hitting her.
Last week on a lonely ranch he killed a farmer and his wife.
"One of the members of the media, the ones who covered the quarantine, killed a farmer on Fith."
One swordsman killed a farmer on the other side of town, raped his wife, stole his money, and ran.