The mists come during the day, killing both crops and people.
Drought can kill crops and increase erosion, while overly wet weather can cause harmful fungus growth.
The ash killed people, fish and crops, and sent a deadly haze over Europe.
Twenty of the 24 native fish species are gone and dust and salt storms are killing crops.
For vegetables to develop, they must receive water each day; lack of water does not kill crops, but prevents them from growing.
Meselson led a scientific mission to Vietnam in 1970 to assess the damage caused by the herbicides used to defoliate jungle and kill crops.
The taint could find its way to the fields, killing new crops and hope for the future.
Under Communism, the institute made pathogens for killing crops to starve enemies.
Moreover, organic farming puts farmers at the mercy of insects and severe weather that can stress or even kill crops.
A1 Migrant farm workers are suffering financially in Michigan because of the drought, which has killed and stunted crops.