Where tap water is chlorinated, it should be dechlorinated before use in an aquarium, since chlorine can harm aquatic life in the same way it kills micro-organisms.
Rendering involves the partial recovery of materials from animal by-products (including former foodstuffs) by crushing and grinding, followed by heat treatment to reduce the moisture content and kill micro-organisms.
The gas was intended to kill micro-organisms.
Food is cooked at a temperature above the normal boiling point of water, killing most micro-organisms.
The bleeding that occurs in menstruation is thought to kill micro-organisms in the body, making the female body less nonviolent than the male body.
"The leftover solution can have little disinfecting chemical left to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms that may contaminate your contact lenses and lead to serious eye infections."
A washdown is usually a manual operation and is designed to kill bacteria and other micro-organisms.
Cleaning processes and chemicals do not necessarily kill micro-organisms and a clean surface is not always so from a bacteriological aspect.
The treatment kills termites and micro-organisms that cause decay.