Another detainee, released two years ago, was accused of killing two nuns at a Texas social services agency that was trying to help him adjust to society.
In December, rightist death squads kill six leftist political leaders and three American nuns and a lay worker.
The fire killed 92 students and three nuns; in response, fire safety improvements were made to public and private schools across the United States.
But contra units have been accused of continued armed attacks, including an ambush that killed two Roman Catholic nuns on Jan. 1.
The Nationalists also attack a nearby cloister, killing 15 nuns.
His troops also killed five American nuns last October.
Two churches were bombed during the celebration of mass, killing 14 nuns and the officiated priest.
When attempting to prop up a Latin American dictator, try to do it without killing too many nuns or archbishops.
The fire killed 92 students and 3 nuns and led to fire safety consciousness in private and public schools in the United States.
It killed 92 students and 3 nuns and injured numerous others.