She escaped, with the help of some of her friends, killing the wizard in so doing, then went into hiding.
Soldiers seized upon Masapo, while the multitude roared: "Kill the wizard!"
Phoebe killed the wizard, stopping the transfer.
'The Mother Confessor killed the wizard,' he said with pride.
At that moment he truly wanted to kill the new wizard who had brought him all this trouble.
I want you to gather a troop of hardy adventurers and kill the human wizard with the new magic.
Masapo began to explain, but what he said was lost in a mighty roar of "Kill the wizard!"
"I'd sooner have killed the wizard, but you'll do," he said.
"I hope you haven't told him that he's irretrievably damned for eternity for killing the wizard."
He now has to kill the dragon and the wizard before they completely merge.