At the same time, she said, "There were definitely people who killed wantonly."
You tell him that professional assassins don't kill wantonly.
Perhaps it was because she knew herself to be a member of an omnivorous species - evolved to eat anything, and to kill wantonly.
While reasonably functional in most aspects, the creature would eat nothing but fresh, raw meat and wantonly killed local livestock, eating their entrails.
The only difference, my father says, is that you would never kill wantonly.
Dingoes were seen as predators that killed wantonly, rather than out of hunger (similar claims are made today concerning dingo-hybrids).
This didn't mean that soldiers should wantonly kill every man on the objective.
They were animals, killing wantonly without reason or authorization and stealing millions.
By their lights they never kill wantonly, only for sound business reasons.
Did he think she would become like that dreadful red-haired woman, killing wantonly?