These Agents are more dangerous than normal, as they cannot be killed by normal means and can kill Henchmen over time.
The various inhabitants are immortal as far as physical aging is concerned, though they can be killed by most other means.
He cannot be killed by ordinary means.
Koschei cannot be killed by conventional means targeting his body.
They could not be "killed" by most mortal means, and it was extraordinarily difficult even to destroy their physical bodies.
"Samurai's teaching me self-defense, but he says it won't work against magic, and a demon can't be killed by mortal means."
In those cases, the chosen one could not be killed by normal means but only by a dreamer who was prepared to face Briga's wrath.
C.C. is immortal, neither suffering from age nor capable of being killed by conventional means.
They can be killed by normal means.
She gives examples of two legendary men who supposedly died of love and shows how they were actually killed by other means.