The Chilean military regime of 1973-1990 also committed such killings.
There has not been a single prosecution in any of the 381 killings committed so far from the Indian judiciary.
They are also aware of any killings committed by nearby Parasites.
The killing committed by hawks is beyond ethics and morals.
A state jury found a boy guilty today of second-degree murder for a killing committed when he was 11.
Seems like only some Governments can commit extrajudicial killings without comment.
Another chart shows a big decline in killings committed outdoors rather than indoors.
"If they want to investigate, let them start by investigating every killing committed against our people in the occupied territories," he said.
The city had 93 murders for the year of 1985, with a murder rate of 41.9 killings committed per 100,000 residents.
The arrest of the children highlighted a rise in killings committed by Canadian youths.