In March 1965 a small bolide travelling at 15 exploded 30km above Revelstoke, Canada, with an energy in the tens of kiloton range.
They went in for great big bangs and hang the death toll, and his satellite people put the winning side's yields in the twenty kiloton range, maybe even a bit higher.
"MC" (Medium Capacity) referred to a nuclear weapon in the kiloton range.
The Spartan carried a weapon with a 5 megaton yield; the Sprint in the kiloton range.
Colonel, I have detected a kinetic strike in the low kiloton range at the approximate coordinates of Santa Cruz Fleet Base.
The American blast was said to have in the mid-140 kiloton range.
"I can give you explosive forces from mild con- cussion to the kiloton range," she said, her voice sounding almost cheerful in my helmet earphones.
It has a variable yield: the destructive power is adjustable from somewhere in the low kiloton range up to a maximum of 1.2 megatons (1.2 million tons of TNT).
More likely detonations in the kiloton range!
An explosion in the two kiloton range turns the world black and white.