There would be illness in the Castle before the year turned to spring; illnesses of the kind more often associated with poorer folk.
But for this one they decided to build, at the end, a complete vertical loop of the kind more commonly associated with roller coasters.
But it's just the specter of a head distinguished by a glamorous mouth, the kind associated with Marilyn Monroe.
The third kind of conserved angular momentum, associated with spin, does not have a classical counterpart.
Reveille came in the form of an electric buzzer, the kind associated with a cheap alarm clock.
But, he added, "it is important to note that this 'vocabulary' may differ from the kind associated with human languages."
There is a humor in his work, the kind associated with slapstick, but it also has a tightly crafted lushness, a poetry.
He could have been a doctor, but not the kind traditionally associated with good bedside-manners, childbirth and house calls.
But he is suddenly hitting home runs with the kind of force and frequency not usually associated with a man about to fade away.
There is no by-catch of any kind associated with this method of tuna fishing.