She couldn't bear the thought of turning up at the hospital without a kind face to greet her.
She was a pleasant little lady with a kind face.
He had an appealing smile, a kind face, and beautiful blue eyes.
He blinked several times and looked up into her kind face.
Somebody once told me, after we'd been married about five years, that Ian had a kind face.
She looked around at the others watching her, hoping for a kind face.
He had a kind face, appealing but not particularly handsome.
Instead, he turned a kind face to mine and looked me in the eyes.
You have what my father used to call a kind face.
If you cannot open your surprised eyes to the kind face.
Hopkins was a large, intense man with one of the kindest faces I have ever seen.
He said his goal was "to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world."
He had a very kind face.
It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world.
It had a weathered, surprisingly kind face.
Subsequently, happy to say, Glyndebourne has always shown a kinder, warmer face to me.
Web's normally kind face was set in hard lines.
He had a very kind face and he kissed me on both cheeks and called me "sister."
To put the kindest face on it, perhaps the players lost focus during their recent Boston Pops season and two-week vacation.
It may well be that he has turned a kinder face to me than to strangers.