Probably in the school they had gone to as girls that kind of work had been taught for one year.
It thus seized for itself, and took away from the Chancellor, the power to resolve what kind of curriculum would be taught in District 24.
What kind of weird lessons in press freedom are being taught Iraq?
Only the kind of education these girls give can't be taught in school.
But to tell you the truth, that kind of magic usually isn't taught in a school, it's usually one-to-one.
Diann Thornley let me pick her brain about what kinds of things are taught in junior officers' leadership courses.
Just the kind of man I had been taught to fear.
Sabbath's kind are raised and taught in nunneries, separate from the general population.
If so, what kinds of skills should be taught there?
But we cannot dictate policy on what kind of theology must be taught there.