Approximately 50% of the kindergarten enrollment attend full day classes.
A recent baby boomlet has sent kindergarten enrollment soaring and prompted administrators to make more room by moving the fifth grade to the middle school.
But the academy's kindergarten enrollment has dropped since the new lines became a source of concern, said Reena Seltzer, the president of its board.
But since 1981, even as high-school enrollment has fallen to 611 from 840, kindergarten enrollment has climbed to 180 from 98.
Nursery school and kindergarten enrollment was 5,300 and elementary or high school enrollment was 30,000 children.
The Superintendent reported that kindergarten enrollment has been at a lower level for the past 5 years.
Considering kindergarten enrollment, a total number of 6,863 students (3,700 male and 3,163 female) attend class.
The data details kindergarten enrollment by town from 2000 to 2002; it also groups towns based on parents' incomes and education levels.
Over the past five years, our kindergarten enrollment went up from 160 to 215.
As of 2009, there was a growth in kindergarten enrollment and a shrinking percentage of declines in public school enrollment.