In the late summer of 1981, Jerry Pournelle kindly arranged for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to invite a dozen or so science fiction writers to come to Pasadena and watch Voyager 2's Saturn flyby pictures as they came in.
Why, Mrs Gamp,' he added, laughing, as he kindly arranged the sick man's garments, 'you have odd notions of a gentleman's dress!
Hash ... kindly arrange for the storage of two corpses.
Kindly arrange he goes as passenger.
"Would you kindly arrange for the agenda, and whatever figures I might need, to be ready for me to collect?"
Kindly arrange a meeting.
We talked with Joseph, and he kindly arranged to take us to Tongatapu first thing in the morning on the resort's speedboat, and he also arranged a driver to take us to a clinic run by Australian missionaries near Nuku'alofa.
Believes all right, but kindly arranges with himself not to think about it.
Napoleon's Viceroy in Milan, Eugène de Beauharnais, was so impressed by the opera that he wrote to the Minister of the Interior, "You will kindly arrange for Maestro Joachin Rossini to be exempted from military service.
This proved quite a successful intiative and was an inexpensive exercise because Air Vice-Marshal Bill Bailey kindly arranged for us to make use of the recording facilities at Services Sound & Vision Corporation.