Her force field disperses energy assaults, reflects kinetic impact off itself, and even negates friction, making it impossible for anyone to hold on to her.
The scenes may be hard to analyze logically, yet they do have a kinetic impact.
But the kinetic impact of other Butoh performers is less felt in Mr. Maro's work.
In part the piece promises more than it delivers simply because its early sections are so spectacular in their visual and kinetic impact.
Although they can still be damaged and killed by knives, stabbing weapons, bullets, shrapnel, and kinetic impact, their bodies hold together much better than normal.
This sequence can be read in many ways, but its immediate visceral and kinetic impact mostly makes you want to jump onstage and dance, not analyze.
Miniature suns blaze from kinetic impact where my penetrators intersect the warheads.
The immediate kinetic impact dominates; rarely does the excitement in itself add up to a satisfying whole.
"It is not just a bigger high-velocity kinetic impact," stated the practical fast(arm).
At relativistic speeds, kinetic impact becomes a cosmic ray shower.