Bhava, a king mentioned in the Vedas.
The "king" mentioned in these documents probably would have been Emperor Ankō.
These bones may be those of the king mentioned in the legend-the dry desert air preserves such things indefinitelybut I doubt it.
The kings mentioned within the section have not been identified with certainty.
Example: The three kings mentioned are found at piles 2, 3, and 4.
This source was a king-list compiled during the reign of William the Lion (reign 1165-1214), the last king mentioned in it.
The next king mentioned in extant classical sources was called Manis or Masdes.
The city was named after Lamoni, a pacifist king mentioned in the Book of Mormon.
According to the most popular theory the name Bhārata is the vrddhi of Bharata, a king mentioned in Rigveda.
Menander was the last Indo-Greek king mentioned by ancient historians, and the development after his death is therefore difficult to trace.