The king reorganized the country and placed a vizier at the head of the administration.
The king placed his hands around those of Rodrigo, and then he touched Alvar's the same way.
The king placed him in command of the city and forced the abbot to make peace with him.
Despondant that he could not find the woman he was searching for, the king made a great pavilion and placed the shoe there on display.
Upon seeing Jesus' image, the king placed it with great honor in one of his palatial houses.
Mayr reached up without looking, and the king placed it in his hand.
The new king turned to the prince and placed his true-hands on the arms of the throne.
The king nodded and placed his hand, warm as a father's, upon Dekton's shoulder.
The older walauwas were neither very large or highly ornate as the king had placed certain restrictions and laws.
The king took off his crown and placed it on the table.