The kingdom appears to have reached its apogee around the end of the 8th century AD, as demonstrated by the sculpted monuments at the site.
Following Harald's consolidation of Norway in the late 800s, the kingdom appears to have been ruled by a series of local jarls and client kings.
With the departure of the Sailendras a new kingdom appeared in eastern Java, which reverted from Buddhism to Hinduism.
According to their own folk history and the accounts of their neighbors, the kingdom appeared in the mid-fifteenth century, founded by the first ruler, the demigod Nyikang.
Given the severity of the laws, and the enthusiasm this kingdom appeared to have for enforcing them, he doubted even the gods would be able to do much on their behalf.
As viewed from Shemshara the Turukkean kingdom of Itabalhum appears to be a peripheral polity, with a largely Mesopotamian material culture.
The much larger kingdom of Lindsey appears to have been taken over c. 625, after the death of king Raedwald.
At this time the first Vietnamese kingdoms of Văn Lang and Âu Lạc appeared.
The largest city and kingdom of Cyprus then appears to have been Salamis, whose king was Nicocreon.
Around T.A. 1300 the kingdom of Angmar appeared at Arthedain's north-eastern border.