He set himself up as king of a kingdom called Guishuang.
The kingdom, called Landover, turns out to be very real and in need of a true king to restore it to its previous splendor.
Taking this as a good omen, he decided to establish a kingdom called Malacca.
I never gave you kingdom, called you children, You owe me no subscription.
Historically it used to be a capital of a kingdom called Chi Tu.
The game is set in a fictional kingdom called Anomarad.
In this instance, the path he had chosen led to a mythical kingdom called Landover.
Why, you'll get to live like a princess in a faraway kingdom called London.
This led to the birth of several kingdoms called Giudicati in the 8th through 10th centuries.
North along that route is a kingdom called Kaelifet; I know nothing about it.