The kingdom consisted of Norfolk and Suffolk ("North folk" and "South folk") but the region's borders are vague.
Many pyramids were built in Meroë during this period and the kingdom consisted of an impressive standing military force.
Barsotti's work features a simple repertory including a nameless, lovable pooch and a monarch whose kingdom consists of a guard and a telephone.
The kingdom consisted of at least 14 taings.
This kingdom will consist of Heaven and Earth "joined together in a new creation", he said.
However, things should not be promoted as though God's kingdom consists in the healing of sick people.
Christ's kingdom consists of those who govern (from heaven) and those who are governed (on earth).
A kingdom consists of citizens who are born in it.
As the eldest son, Naungdawgyi was appointed the heir apparent although their self-styled "kingdom" consisted of just 46 villages in the Mu valley.
The kingdom consisted of 44 parganas and its annual revenue amount to more than one crore.