These kingdoms too had long since passed into history by the time of The Lord of the Rings.
The kingdom then passed into the hands of Hrólf's daughters.
After the first dealer has played all five contracts, the kingdom passes to the player to his right, and so on.
The kingdom then passed to Eleius, son of his sister Eurycyda.
The kingdom of the eastern Saxons, however, certainly passed into a Mercian orbit.
The kingdom passed on to the House of Hohenstaufen from 1194 until 1266.
In 1894, the kingdom passed laws to abolish the marriage of girls below the age of eight.
The reunited kingdom of their father passed to Alfonso, and García then returned from his exile.
In 1154, the elder Roger died and the kingdom of Sicily passed to his fourth son William.
As time passed that kingdom incorporated others to the southern territories.