The kingdom remained without a crown prince and it caused a succession crisis for Martin, who ruled by right of his wife.
Unfortunately, the child lived only five days, and the kingdom remained without a direct heir.
He sadly laments that he wished that his kingdom remained in peace, rather than be engulfed by war and bloodshed.
For some time the kingdom remained, though it became weaker and weaker every year that passed.
Prester John's kingdom was thus the object of a quest, firing the imaginations of generations of adventurers, but remaining out of reach.
This was the second union of León and Castile, although the two kingdoms remained distinct entities joined only in a personal union.
In the East the former Armenian kingdoms remained under local rule.
Jesus was the beginning of a new kingdom upon the earth, and that kingdom shall remain.
The kingdom remained under Angevin control for the rest of Hugh's reign.
Yet, both Georgian kingdoms remained under heavy Persian tribute until Nadir was assassinated in 1747.