Trystin followed her to the kitchen alcove, where he leaned on the wall and looked in, since there wasn't room enough for two people.
Eve gestured toward the kitchen alcove and continued to frown at her logbook.
The space consists of a large common area with a wooden table, slightly rickety couch and kitchen alcove.
Even then, she didn't seem eager to begin, but glanced instead toward the kitchen alcove.
He pushed past his father, went back to the main room, heading for the kitchen alcove.
Morris disappeared around the partition that marks off the kitchen alcove from the bedroom/living room in my small apartment.
It has the rough-and-tumble feel of a college radio station, with a small recording studio, a kitchen alcove and cramped offices.
It was Brian now, standing in the tiny kitchen alcove, Johnno at his side.
He saw a kitchen alcove and a single door which had to lead to a bath.
The apartment had been fairly good, two rooms plus a kitchen alcove.