To impersonate Banks Stan would use kitchen pots for reverberation effects.
They use the other participant's oral cavity as resonators but may also play under a kitchen pot for the resonances to be more pronounced.
A. You should be able to remove the oil with a mild abrasive pad (the kind for nonstick kitchen pots).
George thought she must have rubbed her nose with her finger after she had been handling some of the kitchen pots.
Along the track people had stuck kitchen pots on fence posts as a warning that the fields nearby are also mined.
Also, she would sometimes pick up a kitchen pot or some other thing, only to drop and break it.
Up he ran excusing himself, as if he had cracked a kitchen pot, instead of nearly killing the King.
I'm not going to wear a kitchen pot on my head for a helmet.
Antitank mines, the size of large kitchen pots and often containing a high percentage of metal, are relatively easy to find.
I also like Bittman's videos on grilling, buying kitchen pots and pans, and more.