Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment was secretly subsidized by the military industrial complex.
In 1750 his famous kite experiment was two years off, but he had already knocked himself unconscious trying to shock a man out of paralysis.
Franklin speculated about lightning rods for several years before his reported kite experiment.
Although often depicted as a young child when he assisted his father in the famed kite experiment in 1752, William was 21 years old at the time.
The documentary questioned whether Franklin really did conduct his famous kite experiment.
The book contains an account of the kite experiment of Benjamin Franklin, that has been taken as authoritative.
Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment determines that lightning is an electrical phenomenon.
De Romas pursued his priority claim to the kite experiment.
Benjamin Franklin ran his famous kite experiment in 1752, proving that lightning was electrical in nature.
Around June 1752, Franklin reportedly performed his famous kite experiment.