A variation of the mono-ski exists for skiers with bilateral, above the knee amputations.
The Men's shot put F44/46 also include classification F43: single above knee amputation or equivalent impairments.
Also T43 classified athletes competed in this event: double below knee amputations or equivalent impairments.
For skiers in this class with above the knee amputations, how to fall properly is an important skill.
Complications from that fall required a bilateral, below the knee amputation of his legs in July 2005.
Further complications led to an above knee amputation.
F57: normal upper limb and trunk function, may have bilateral above knee amputations.
But, after countless operations, she had to have below knee double amputations.
A skier with an above the knee amputation may have a better ability to complete turns on the opposite of their amputation.
Usually have minimal lower limb dysfunction or single below knee amputation.