In adults, Baker's cysts usually arise from almost any form of knee arthritis and cartilage (particularly the meniscus) tear.
Getting dressed, tying shoelaces, or walking to the car may be painful with knee arthritis.
Most studies have been done on knee arthritis.
Pedro became the director of a test laboratory at NASA and invented a portable, battery-operated lift seat for people suffering from knee arthritis.
Osteoarthritis is the most common type of knee arthritis.
She fell again at age five and suffered osteomyelitis with purulent knee arthritis.
Surgical treatment of knee arthritis.
Sept. 30, 2008 - Results are in from a national study examining whether two popular supplements slow the progression of knee arthritis, but they are far from conclusive.
But it's one of the best exercises for knee arthritis.
A study in the the medical journal The Lancet also suggests a link between knee arthritis and high heels.