Seen in the bright glare, his knife dripping with blood, his tall figure, his foot firm on the huge carcass, he was indeed worth looking at.
Selina with her feral, feline smile, the knife dripping in her hand.
"The raiders came through the mushtamal, rushing at us with their knives dripping red from the lives of our men," Jessica said.
But it didn't matter that you did it with a knife dripping with gravy.
The meteorologist stood against the wall, the knife dripping red in his hand.
Later, Gen cuts herself with a knife, dripping her blood onto a rock as she says her goodbyes to Wes.
With the knife dripping in his hand, he stared down at Ham, the blood.
She has a knife dripping with blood painted into her hand.
Oran spun on the visitors, his knife dripping.
I sat in cool water and glared, holding a wet knife dripping soap and bits of beard.