Turn the caps over, and grill another minute or two, until a knife can easily pierce the cap.
The duck is done when a thin-bladed knife pierces the meat with little resistance.
The knife pierced the mud where Bond had been standing and stood upright.
He even reflected that the knife could pierce other flesh as well as his own.
He was certain Rae's knife had pierced the soldier's lung.
The dimple where the knife had actually pierced his skin was still welling blood.
He then shimmied across the front seat, trying not to wince as a knife of pain pierced his lower spine.
The pain was intense at first, almost as if a knife had pierced his stomach.
They cannot be hacked to pieces, they are too strong for that, a knife will barely pierce their skin.
When the true bride heard of this she felt as though a knife had pierced her heart, and she fell fainting to the ground.