Raising it she struck him across the face, the lash as sharp as a knife stab, leaving a hot line of pain behind.
Rick is able to talk him down, however at the last second he kills Shane with a single knife stab to the heart.
As The Shadow leaped in through the doorway, he saw a tongue of flame like a knife stab coming from near his own shoulder.
"Impossible that a knife stab could be delivered without the agency of a human hand."
He thought of Carl, in Iran or somewhere, maybe out of reach; it was like a knife stab.
Like knife stabs, bullets were slicing the truck's tires, rendering the murderous juggernaut helpless.
Justice spun in time to dodge the sixth man's knife stab.
She struggled awkwardly, and he saw her eyes flash before he felt the tiny knife stab viciously into his ribs.
By that he watched the point of the knife stab into the ball of her thumb.
After the rape, Tari killed the girl with multiple knife stabs.