For an instant, the dummy's slide was unimpeded; then the massive knife swung through to cleave it squarely at the waist.
The knife swung in the German's hand, as if even in his dying moment he still had enough power to kill.
The knife swung again, closer, and she felt a streak of fire along one arm.
Blade thrust his knife deep into the flesh of that arm, then swung his sword.
A knife swung in a sheath at his hip.
The knife swung by her side, catching angles of light and throwing them on the silk wallpaper.
The force of the blow had knocked Jason's arm down and he moved with the motion, letting the knife swing down and around-and up.
The knife swung around in a circle but The Shadow's fist went in a straight line.
The blade caught the tip of my little finger as the knife swung back again.
Before she could guess how many they faced, she was engulfed in a deadly lacework of iron: swords, knives, and axes swung around her.