He then knocked violently upon it and, placing his ear to the jamb, listened.
In consequence he took to his heels, arrived breathlessly at the councillor's door, and knocked violently.
Rident is then attacked by two war ships, the Rident shakes violently knocking the passengers off balance and alarms start going off.
It is a simple matter of making the engine seem hard to start and to knock violently also.
Moments later the wing blew up, violently knocking the fuselage onto its port side.
Count Olaf becomes increasingly tired of her attitude and violently knocks her to the floor, ending their already tenuous relationship.
There was no answer, so he knocked violently.
He couldn't know that her bowels were like jelly, her heart was knocking violently, and the faint metallic taste of terror filled her dry mouth.
Indeed, hardly had those who were coming up reached the landing than someone knocked violently, and a harsh voice cried: "Come, come, open the door; open directly."
A Burglary "Next morning, about three o'clock, I was awakened by the sound of some one knocking violently at my door.