Lyle did not know about her brief career as a dancer.
In addition to her singing talent, she is also known as a strong dancer and actress.
Barbara Morgan's photographs of this solo are among the best known of Graham as a dancer.
Gatski was reserved and aloof, but he was also known as a graceful dancer.
She claimed to have known the woman as Ellen, a go-go dancer and bank teller.
"I don't expect to be extremely famous, but I would like to get known as a good dancer before I pass on."
Although not known as a dancer per se, he has formed his own modern-dance company, dre.
He is mostly known for his work as a dancer.
Mr. Good is probably best known as a dancer with the Cunningham company.
I knew her as a good dancer, but that night it was almost as if she were possessed by the ghost of Gillis.