These and scores of other extreme audio juxtapositions sparked an underground movement known as mash-up culture.
Much of what later became known as Muslim culture, including architecture and writing, was originally drawn from Persian culture.
These early stages are known as pre-Sesklo culture.
"I have always wanted to be a crusader for that religion known as culture," he said.
One is allowing the peaceful takeover, better known as 'culture flipping', of nearby foreign cities by influencing its citizens with another civilization's culture.
Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture.
It is also known as the Ossarn group or Pecel culture.
This is a chemostat, also known as continuous culture.
Canadians and the United States share a somewhat common culture, even if it is best known as American culture.
During his years at Michigan, Fitzpatrick was an outspoken advocate of vigorous exercise and what was then known as "physical culture."