Note: The event was known as the "Great American Race" up to the mid-1990s and for the 25th Anniversary race in 2007.
He is currently building a new 100-foot twin-hulled+catamaran for a round-the-world competition known as The Race, scheduled to begin Dec. 31, 2000.
It then moved to the Flanders and Artois regions in the drive northwards known as the Race to the Sea.
This epic encounter became known as the Race of the Century.
They certainly think they should have been known as the 'fifth Race of Man,' but if they truly constitute a race at all, it's an artificial one.
Since 2009, the European Tour's money list has been known as the Race to Dubai.
It participated in the mobile battles known as the Race to the Sea and the First Battle of Ypres.
PlayStation is one of several large catamarans created for the 2000 around the world race known as The Race.
This campaign is known as "The Race to the Dan" or "The Race for the River."
The major world powers struggle to develop the first human atomic bombs with material taken from the invading aliens known as The Race.