Hunt's Chiefs lost to the Green Bay Packers in that January 1967 game that became known as the first Super Bowl.
It was also the first season to feature an AFL-NFL World Championship Game now known as the Super Bowl.
Snow was also threatening the American football championship event known as the Super Bowl.
Although the championship game of the National Football League is known as the Super Bowl, it has rarely been super.
Tebow's strategy of running ads denouncing women's rights during the annual rite of masculinity known as the Super Bowl.
The Super Bowl of Gambling, also known as the Super Bowl, hit a little snag yesterday.
A championship game (it came to be known as the Super Bowl), played between the two league champions, would follow each season until the merger took place.
That game began play in 1966 and came to be known as the Super Bowl.
It's known as the "Super Bowl of Motorsports" and it has become one of the biggest stops Monster Jam makes in North America.
This game would come to be known as the Super Bowl.