The eastern section is known as Area 19 and the western section as Area 20.
Older girls do take part, and are known as the senior section.
Section 8, known as the 'new' section, began development in 1995.
They played their home games at the former Ruppert Stadium in what is now known as the Ironbound section of Newark.
The area west of the Piedmont of South Carolina was known as the "upcountry" section.
The area north of the canal, known as the "new section" by local residents, has traditional city streets lined with stores, brick houses, and wide sidewalks.
I recalled from Eric's briefing that we were entering the city on the western side, known on local maps as the industrial section.
The area is known as the industrial section of Kuwait as most manufacturers can be found in that area.
The land became known as Hawksnest Beach and the smaller section Gibney Beach.
This one part of the phase space of the dynamical system corresponding to the typical behavior is the attractor, also known as the attracting section or attractee.