Rabbi Vives was known by this title during the mid-15th century.
She is known for her contributions to Chilean culture during the 19th century.
His family was known for its success during the late 19th century.
For several years, he was known as one of the most violent buccaneers active against the Spanish during the mid-17th century.
The area was well known for the manufacture of bricks during the 18th and 19th century.
It was well known as a glassmaking center during the 18th century.
They became well known during the 19th century and are based in Valparaíso.
In economic terms, Margut was known for its rich industry during the twentieth century.
It was known as Soap Creek during the 19th century.
An instrument called barbiton was known in the early part of the 16th and during the 17th century.