He was known for his dominant displays at central defence throughout the season and became a favourite amongst Bolton fans.
Bailey, of course, is best known for his many gritty displays as an allround cricketer.
Skase became known for his displays of wealth, with a lavish 40th birthday party in 1988, and a company Christmas party that cost $450,000.
Frigatebirds are known for their unusual displays and breeding system.
The area is known for its brilliant displays of wildflowers such as columbine and trailing arbutus.
Many plant families that occur in Australia are known for their floral displays that follow seasonal rains.
It also contains works by 18th- and 19th-century Provençal artists, but it's best known for its cutting-edge photographic displays.
Hollywood is not known for its displays of modesty, and the world certainly does not look to film stars for lessons in financial restraint.
The group is known for their displays of tifo and chanting.
He was best known for his public displays of high and acrobatic diving, usually into shallow depth tanks and pools.