Then they speed off without taking the time to get to know New Jersey's voters or their concerns.
Ten officers, under one supervisor, go out alone and on foot to get to know the residents and their concerns.
If broadband isn't accessible or affordable where you live, let us know your concerns.
Showing interest can also show them that you want to know their concerns in order to help them.
But Ms. Evans said the only point of the talks was to get to know each side's concerns.
Many of the speakers said they lobbied the politicians all the time and had already made known their concerns.
"This is not a typical case," he added, "and the Government has made known its concerns with respect to communications."
Millions of American stockholders need to know that their concerns as business owners are being taken seriously.
I'd be derelict if I did not let you know my concerns.
I know their concerns and we are trying to listen to and meet their needs.