"I was in a minor accident" is what he'd said to those who'd inquired, and he knew he hadn't imagined the slightly amused, knowing smirks on some of those adolescent faces.
At any rate, when she arrived Ms. Waterbury was greeted with knowing smirks when she declared her profession.
Bing Yan and Zhong Ming exchanged knowing smirks.
The crowd exchanged chuckles and knowing smirks.
If the occasional visitor happened along to tell them that beings like themselves also came from some of those stars, he was greeted with knowing smirks and "Oh, tell us another, stranger!"
The other Knights, lounging around the room, watched him with knowing smirks that broad- ened to smug grins when they saw his discomfiture.
She had become conscious of the silence surrounding us, of all the staring eyes and knowing smirks.
They have yet to offer anything but innuendo and knowing smirks - absolutely nothing to refute a 1988 grand jury report that essentially branded the Brawley affair a hoax.
Fallon's frat boy antics and Fey's droll, knowing smirks were warmly welcomed by fans.
They certainly did on Altiplano, where They're in the garden meant knowing smirks and raised brows.